Electric vehicle chargepoint and infrastructure grants for landlords
Electric Vehicle Chargepoint Grant for households with on-street parking
The grant is available to ensure those residents in the UK that may not be able to get access to a EV charger at their house, can through government support.
The grant provides electric vehicle (EV) drivers with support towards the costs of the purchase and installation of EV chargepoints at residential properties if they are also installing a cross-pavement charging solution. You can get 75% off the cost to buy and install a socket, up to a maximum of £350.
You can apply for this grant if you:
Own or rent a residential property in which you live
Have adequate on-street parking as defined by your local planning and highways authority
Have permission from your local planning and highways authority to install a cross-pavement charging solution between your home and the approved parking space
Will install a cross-pavement charging solution before having your chargepoint installed
Own an eligible vehicle
For more information follow the link below